Jack Ryan Experience

Amazon SD Comic Con Activation

Seeking to promote its brand new series - Jack Ryan - Amazon reach us out to create a huge installation for the 2018 Comic Con San Diego edition. At 60,000 square feet area, the idea was to put the attendees into the Jack Ryan world, creating an immersive 4D experience using VR and reality-based challenges rigged on an OptiTrack system.

Jack Ryan signage

Alongside MMSP team of creatives, we come up with several tasks to be completed by the attendees, such as: Helicopter drop, plank walk, combat simulation, zipline escape and car chase - all them using VR goggles.

Design wise, I also was in charge to create the branding, designing the logo and all the online and offline materials, such as webpage, badge designs, intel gear prints and the art direction of the exterior design that wrap the whole building

brand logo

UI/UX dashboard site
staff outfit










Creative Directors: Rafael Fittipaldi, Alex Fittipaldi

Art Direction & creative: Renato Lucena

Copywriter: Kate Hardman

3D & concept art: Henrique Kazuo, Thiago Assunção

Other projects: 

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