Tocando o Rebu

Valorant Live Stream by RIOT Games

Raze is the very first Brazilian character in Valorant and RIOT was keen to boost their visibility into the Valorant players perception and also increase her awareness throughout the Brazilian community. With that in mind, we've created "Tocando o Rebu", which is a Twitch Live stream with the idea to put the community into the Raze vibes, bringing the them to participate in the broadcast and to compete with each other in order to win prizes. The audience was asked to apply on a hotsite and eventually, get the chance to be selected during the live stream.

Landing page
Mobile app

Keyvisual variations

The show was presented by AthenaXis (a popular Valorant streamer) and we brought some local talents to make the show even more appealing, such as Leiga (graffiti artist) Xand (Furia Valorant Pro Player) and Rashid (rapper). My role was to create the whole visuals to the broadcast, such as stingers, lowerthirds, ranking boards and all the graphics designs as well

stinger transition

PIP and timer design

OOH - Bus Shelter

OOH - Billboard



Creative: Dudi Rostirola

Lead Art Direction: Renato Lucena

Broadcast Director: Rafael Fittipaldi

Animation and backend: Leandro Carlos

Broadcast Operator: Tulio Silva

Studio Design and maker: Fred Franco

Other projects: 

Feel free to hit me up anytime :)

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